I’m Macenzie Bond, and I have four eyes (though nowadays I usually wear contacts) and two tits. I’m a young artist living in Toronto, Ontario.
My art is mainly influenced by a long-time love of comic books, cartooning and animation as well as a growing passion for Pulp Fiction art and erotica. I am influenced by cartoonists such as Ralph Bakshi, Robert Crumb, John Kricfulski as well as artists such as Mickalene Thomas, Andy Warhol, Fred Fixlar and Roy Lichtenstien. With my art I hope to explore, diversify and reclaim female erotica, pop art and adult cartoons. Though these art forms are very close to my heart, I personally feel unrepresented by them as a queer, mixed-race afro-latina woman, and aim to add a bipoc/female gaze into these art forms.
When I’m not drawing or studying I spend most of my time with my miniature black poodle Minerva ( who I draw often ), reading comic books, mothering a hoard of house plants, watching Food Network competition shows, and miscellaneous hippie behavior.
Thank you for reading this and taking interest in my art! I hope you enjoy my website, and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram (where I’m most active).